term three: Shadow work

we will carry on with some figure work in term 3.

the cast shadows we discovered in the last term added an interesting dimension to the compositions , I thought, and so after a bit of consideration  I decided it might be interesting to pursue that idea .




i went through my photo files and found these from an exhibition we saw in San Francisco.it was an installation where the viewers shadows were magnified and cast up on the gallery wall…always thought there could be a painting in them, so will share them with you





the beach reference i took over the years threw up some great shadows too




these i found on the internet



and this in Barcelona



this is a painting by Garrison with an interesting use of shadows


the subject could be treated in any way you fancy. Bring in your reference photos to the hall on the first day and we will see how we can build some good compositions.

My suggestion is you scroll through your photos and find some interesting shadows,also have a look on line (google images figures and shadows or something), and if the sun ever shines again , get out there, and go hunting for some figures and shadows

look forward to seeing you all next term

term 3 starts on 26th of july

and we will be working from my studio all set up as a great classroom


115 crummer rd grey lynn.



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