work from term 1 PORTRAITS
This term we managed to get 2 days intensive drawing from life. drawing each other and doing self portraits in the mirror. One of the best ways to learn to see. the second stage was to use collage to help create a setting for the portrait we chose to do. this brings a frisson of […]
loosening up and learning how to build compositions
The past two terms have been about a more creative approach to making a painting. getting away from the names of what you are painting and freeing yourself to see your subject matter as building blocks for a composition. we had a look at Matisse’s collages and used his motifs to build our own compositions […]
emotional response to a place: loosening up
Pauline Agnew talks about getting a sense of place when you are painting a landscape.Not trying to represent what you are seeing but to become fully engaged with the energy around you. So you become aware of the weather affecting the light and the mood, the quality of the light, man’s interaction and imprint of […]
term 4: the figure in a composition
in term 4 we had the lovely Alice to come and sit for us. she sat like a calm blond buddha in front of the “Guernica ” poster i got in Madrid and i for one was taken with the contrast of her blond goodness and the carnage behind her of wailing women and fractured […]
what we learned from our chosen artist
What we learned from copying another artist. Often people mentioned that they didn’t think it was quite kosher copying someone else’s work…they had shied away from doing it. But you learn heaps of surprising stuff when you do. Like the amount of pattern in a Gauguin, the edgy black outlines of a Beckman, and quite […]
Term 1: February 2- March 29 Term 2: May 2 – June 21 Term 3: August 1- September 20 Term 4: October 10 – December 6
2017 term 1: copying an old master and then creating a work of our own “in the style of”
in term 1 we will begin by deconstructing an old master.Seeing how he built the composition, by copying the work. we will then do a work of our own subject matter , working in the style of our chosen artist. Ben Shahn Carl Maughan David Keeling Elmer Bischof as you can see i have […]
2016 term 4 – student work
David Thompson Rowena Poole Virginia Fisher Anita Gate In Term 4 we set about creating compositions from several different photo sources. Creating rhythms and connections between the figures, by cutting and pasting the images so they “talked” to each other . and making depth of field by use of proportion and scale. this is […]
term 4: creating figure compositions- dates :25th october- 13 december
Seeing the Degas exhibition in Melbourne recently gave me new respect for how he built figure compositions. ( that and his amazing use of space) Building a composition using figures from different sources is a great exercise in looking for rhythms , comparative proportions, making negative spaces work, creating space and depth and relationship.The figures have […]